Home News Page 1536


Move now to clear out junk

PAKENHAM residents are reminded to clean up before Christmas with hard waste collection beginning in less than a fortnight. The Cardinia Shire Council will collect...

Grant seals the deal

PAKENHAM’S town hall car park will be sealed in a move that should help improve parking around the central business district. The project was one...

Pakenham boom picks up pace

By Paul DunlopPEOPLE are making Pakenham home at a quicker rate than almost anywhere else in Victoria. A Housing Industry Association report has found Cardinia...

100,000 jobs

By Paul DunlopUP to 100,000 new jobs could be created in future industries as Pakenham strives to become the major employment hub for south-east...

Marathon ride improves outlook for disabled

By Melissa Grant LOCAL cyclists have raised $16,000 for Pakenham disability service Outlook, pedalling a gruelling 520 kilometres in the annual Murray to Moyne bike...

RSL targets hall overhaul

By Paul DunlopPAKENHAM’S war veterans need a new roof over their heads. The Returned Services League hall is suffering from cracking walls, rot in the...

‘Greed is not good’

By Paul DunlopCARDINIA councillors have lashed out at plans for a new Pakenham business and shopping complex, claiming the proposal was more about a...

High five Howard

By Paul Dunlop PRIME Minister John Howard promised extra funding for bypass works and shrugged off any hint of a fall-out with local MP Russell...

Louts set for a backlash

By Allister HaymanVICTORIANS fed up with louts, drunkards, hoons and vandals are about to receive some satisfaction after police launched a new campaign targeting...

Bands ‘slay’ the judges

THE battle is over and a winner declared! The Push Start Battle of the Bands was held on Friday, 29 June at the Pakenham Hall...

Stores cop a drenching

By Sarah Schwager HEAVY rains caused havoc in Pakenham businesses last week. Shop owners turned up to work last week after a weekend of torrential rain...

New fighters for weed war

THE war on weeds needs new recruits. Cardinia Shire Council is urging residents to join the ongoing fight against blackberry, sweet pittosporum, ragwort, thistles and...


Socials in sights of Snipers

A brilliant 110-checkout from Tim Williams was the inspirational highlight for Snipers as the perennial finalist smashed arch-rivals Just Social 12-3 in round four...