Plants to reduce greenhouses gases

Planting a tree is one way of offsetting greenhouse gases.Planting a tree is one way of offsetting greenhouse gases.

RESIDENTS will be able to pick up free native plant seedlings as part of Greenhouse Action Day (GAD) this month.
McDonald’s restaurants will give away 44,000 seedlings during October to raise community awareness about greenhouse gases.
Victorian Franchisees Cooperative president Mick Rodgers said planting trees was one of the ways in which Australians could reduce their carbon footprint.
“Planting trees is one way to help offset household greenhouse gases because they absorb some of the carbon dioxide we all produce on a daily basis by using electrical equipment and driving our cars,” he said.
“While we can’t avoid producing greenhouse gases altogether, we can all take steps to reduce our emissions in some way.
“For example, switching your television off at the plug, not just on the unit and washing your clothes on a lower temperature all make a difference.”
Mr Rodgers said the seedlings on offer would need little water.
“All the shrub or tree seedlings we’re giving away, including wattles, sheoaks, bottlebrushes, banksias and eucalypts, are tolerant of dry conditions and suitable for growing in a suburban backyard,” he said.
Residents can pick up seedlings from McDonald’s restaurants around Casey and Cardinia next week.