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Wrong priorities

THE article 'Syringe Find Shock’ (Cranbourne News, 25 June) just proves the point I made in a letter to the editor just last week....

Bogan screen diet

WHY do Village Cinemas, Fountain Gate give little or no airplay to certain arthouse movies and British dramas? This issue I discussed with an...

Need for Bunjil

I REFER to the letter ‘Theatre of the Absurd’ from F. Bordei (Berwick News, 25 June) which makes incorrect statements about the Bunjil Place...


St John of God Hospital, Berwick. 140725 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

Court out

I refer to the letters Deficit Of Ideas and Court In The Act from Mr Glazebrook and Mr Richardson respectively (Berwick News, 18 June)....

Writing’s on the wall

It is pointless Casey council continuing on with their graffiti abatement program if they are not going to ensure the timely removal of reported...

Theatre of the absurd

Unprecedented community approval for the Bunjil Place, 82 per cent of ratepayers consider the $125 million arts centre a “good idea“ (Community Impressed By...

Deficit of ideas

NOW is the time for a budget deficit, not a budget surplus. Casey’s Draft Budget Plan for 2015/16 forecasts a budget surplus of more than...

Beyondblue and teens

I AM writing to let parents know that beyondblue has just released a new campaign aimed at teenagers. It’s called 'Brains can have a...

As a matter of interest

Here we go again. Greedy Casey Council putting up the rates to pay for something called 'Bunjil’ which not many people are interested in...

Earning power

THE Frankston council increases the CEO wage by $563 a week. The reason given is that he has saved the council money by cost cutting....

Behind the headline

THE report in the News headed 'Rates set to rise by $62’ actually understates the the full impact of changes in Government Budget policies...


CCCA holds its head high

The Casey Cardinia Cricket Association (CCCA) will move quickly into planning mode for Melbourne Country Week 2026 after a hugely successful tournament from February...