Home News Page 1534


Have a say on Cardinia’s strategy

PAKENHAM residents have been encouraged to comment on a review of Cardinia Shire Council’s municipal strategic statement (MMS), which forms a vital part of...

Drawing up a brighter future

By Paul DunlopPAKENHAM can expect a major jobs boost after the State Government recently redrew the map of Melbourne. The creation of new industrial areas...

Air con gone

A NEW home owner was left hot under the collar after an air conditioner was stolen from a building site in Pakenham. The roof-mounted air...

LiFE span to double

By Paul Dunlop PAKENHAM will boast the biggest indoor sports stadium outside Melbourne under an ambitious plan to almost double the size of the Cardinia...

Waving to festival

PAKENHAM residents will come together to celebrate the many exciting events that make up the Yakkerboo Festival. The 31st annual festival, a focal point on...

Schools on the road to health

PAKENHAM children will put their walking shoes on next Tuesday and join in Walk to School Day. Students from Pakenham Hills Primary School and St...

Can-do kids come to the party

PAKENHAM Consolidated School students have a can-do attitude. The school’s Student Leadership Council recently collected 1900 food cans from their fellow pupils to donate to...

Push to attract cinema

By Paul DunlopCARDINIA council is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to attract a cinema to Pakenham. That’s the message from chief executive...

For Hawks fans, special run is as good as gold

THE HAWKS flew into Pakenham for a special training run last Friday. Fans flocked to Toomuc Reserve to see the brown and gold heroes in...

English help at hand – my word

HELP for people to improve their English skills is available in Pakenham. Courses run at the community centre at Living and Learning in Cardinia over...

Levy scrapped

RATEPAYERS will get a $50 bonus after Cardinia Shire Council voted to scrap its controversial municipal levy. In a pre-budget bombshell delivered amid hot debate...

International award

ROB Davey from Pakenham’s Evergreen Turf has won a prestigious industry award. Mr Davey won the president’s leadership award at a recent turfgrass producers’ convention...


Socials in sights of Snipers

A brilliant 110-checkout from Tim Williams was the inspirational highlight for Snipers as the perennial finalist smashed arch-rivals Just Social 12-3 in round four...