Giving Pakenham’s carols back to the community

Picture: ON FILE

By Matthew Sims

Cardinia Council has opened the door for a Pakenham organisation to step up and take the reins to organise the Pakenham carols event into the future.

Wet weather forced the council to cancel last year’s carols event at the last minute, leaving the town without a carols event as there was no time to reschedule entertainment and other bookings under short notice.

At the council meeting on Monday 20 May, Cardinia Council Toomuc Ward councillor moved a notice of motion to commence an expression of interest process for a community group to take the lead in organising future events, with $40,000 allocated to the successful organisation for the 2024 event and a further $40,000 allocated for the 2025 event to be dispersed next March or April.

She said the successful group would also receive support from council officers towards ensuring the event remained a success and a landmark Christmas event for Cardinia.

“The intent here is to reunite,“ she said.

“Our shire is growing rapidly.

“Let’s reunite and support our community and safeguard this.”

Cardinia Council mayor Jack Kowarzik said he was hopeful he would be able to take his children to carols in Pakenham for many years to come.

“We need the community to step here and take back ownership of it,“ he said.

Cardinia Council Officer Ward councillor Tammy Radford said carols were the type of event led by community, not local government.

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