Referendum to address funding

CARDINIA Shire Council has urged the Federal Government for a bigger slice of the pie.
The council welcomed a referendum on the financial recognition of local government and urged local residents to vote ‘yes’.
The referendum will be held at the same time as the federal election.
Mayor Brett Owen said the referendum enabled the Federal Government to fund councils directly through programs such as Roads to Recovery.
“The change being proposed is a simple change to address a problem which has arisen over recent years and will protect the current funding that Council receives,” he said.
“Direct federal funding is important because the Federal Government collects more than 80 per cent of all tax revenue in Australia.
“The local services and infrastructure funded directly by the Federal Government cannot be funded by the State Governments because they don’t have the revenue.”
Cr Owen said Cardinia Shire is benefiting from direct funding through various recent Federal Government programs including Roads to Recovery ($5.1 million over five years), Nation Building ($4.1 million, including $2.5 million used to construct Pakenham Library and Hall) and Regional Development Australia ($500,000 for the future Ash Wednesday memorial at Cockatoo, and a further $665,054 to go towards new and improved community infrastructure).
“We cannot rely on rates alone it’s simply beyond Council’s capability, we need the support of the Federal Government,” he said.
“Let’s work together to ensure our Shire, and communities around Australia, receive the funding and support we need, and deserve, to thrive.
“I urge all residents to vote ’yes’,” Cr Owen said.