Four Cardinia Waters bowlers reached the pinnacle that many bowlers crave when they had a perfect score of ‘eight up’ in their game on Saturday.
For the uninitiated, each pennant rink has four bowlers from each team, each playing two bowls.
A perfect eight is when one team has all bowls closer to the jack than their opposition.
This happened on the first end of the game against Parkdale at Cardinia Waters.
Stuart Tokely was the skip, and Marion Stevens, Del Dance and Sandra Wilde were in his team.
They went on to win their game by nine shots and were joined by the other rinks in smashing Parkdale, doubling their score to catapult Cardinia Waters into third place on the ladder.
This gives Cardinia Waters Side One a home final on Saturday, when they play alongside Side Two in a double-header.
-John Moore-