So close…but so far away for Garfield

Garfield’s Barrie Smith concentrates hard on his next delivery. 368090 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


Unfortunately, it has been another week of losing results for Garfield’s Pennant sides.

On Tuesday 14 November, the Midweek Division 3 team hosted the side from Trafalgar.

After a close match overall, the decision came down to the very last end, but unfortunately it didn’t go Garfield’s way, and it lost by 58 shots to 60.

The team of Steve Hyam, Cheryl Breteler, Bob Lamport and skip Lexi Taylor, started slowly and were down by seven shots before they scored.

It was then a long trek back, but they got their noses in front for the first time in the 19th end of the 21.

Their opponents then won the last two ends and the Garfielders lost by 18 shots to 19.

Helene Newton skipped the team of Margaret Hyam, Malcolm Newham and Gordon Moxey.

They lost the first end, but that was the last time they were headed; in a game that included four sets of tied scores, they ran out winners by 24 shots to 20.

Keith Sainsbery, Damian Brick and Gerry Wakefield, along with their skip, Gwen Fabris, started well, being eight shots up before their opposition got used to the conditions; however, after that, they only scored another eight shots, while their opponents scored 21, and the Garfield team went down by 16 shots to 21.

This surprising loss has dropped the side to sixth on the ladder, with some work to do to get back in the four.

The Saturday Division 2 side visited Traralgon RSL this week.

It was a close match for the Garfielders, who just lost out by 72 shots to 75.

The team of Graeme Burton, Henry Breteler, Gerry Fuller and skip Richard Ross lost five shots on the first end, and after half the game were still that five shots down.

In the second half, however, they pulled out all the stops to end up winning by 22 shots 19.

Tom Cleary skipped the team consisting of Rick Sillett, Ron Saunders and Alan White; they started with a pair of shots and finished with a pair of shots, but in between their opponents scored six shots more than them, so they ended up losing by 17 shots to 19.

Alan Wilson, Gary Helmore, Bob Lamport, and skipper Steve Whyte had a dark day, only winning seven of the 21 ends, losing along the way by 12 shots to 25.

The team of Bob Clarke, Les Pumphrey, Steve Bassed and skip Nick Henwood lead out of the gates, to be up by eight shots after six ends.

Their opponents then made a game of it by cutting that lead to just three at the halfway point.

But the Garfielders showed their mettle, coming home in the second half to win by 23 shot 14.

This close result has left them in seventh place on the ladder.

The Saturday Division 5 side played host at Garfield to the side from Traralgon RSL.

With two rinks down badly, and only a small win on the third, they lost overall by 34 shots to 78.

The team of Frank Prins, Steve Hyam, Damian Brick and skip Brian Fox, scored on just nine single-shot ends, while their opposition scored seemingly at will, ending with a five-shot end to inflict a 9-shots to 29 loss.

Gordon Moxey skipped the team of Len Preece, Margaret Hyam and Helene Newton; they were never in it all day, and went down by 8 shots to 32.

The team skipped by Gwen Fabris and consisting of Trevor Peters, Cheryl Breteler and Keith Cooke, played in a tight tussle all day, with their opponents, back-and-forth and back again, till the scores were 14 shots-all after 19 ends; but the Garfielders won the last two ends, and the game, by 17 shots to 14.

The side has dropped to fourth place on the ladder as a result of this loss.

-Damian Brick-