Nicholson nails it at Kooweerup

The winning team at Kooweerup consisted of Frank D’Unienville, Jenny Smith, John Nicholson and Rob Jeffreys. 361942 Pictures: SUPPLIED

Summer came early to the Kooweerup Bowling Club last week with 37 bowlers turning up to bask in the sunshine and also have a couple of games of bowls.

A few wrong-bias bowls seemed to be the order of the day, but the Royal Children’s Hospital will be grateful for the donations from the South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group.

As always, there was a fair amount of laughter and banter around the green which always lifts our spirits and seems to improve everyone’s game.

There were some new bowlers today as well as the return of one of our own bowlers from a few years ago.

The green was in excellent condition, and surprisingly, a little quicker than expected, which was a pleasant surprise.

The weekly winners on a score of 36 were John Nicholson (S), Rob Jeffrey (3), Frank D’Unienville (2) and Jenny Smith (L).

Runners up on 32 points were Mark Andreatta (S), David Talbot (3), Neil Andreatta (2) and Elaine Williams (L).

Best One-Game winners were Michael Dady (S), Luke Monckton (3) and Jan Brown (L).

Thanks must go to Peter, Pauline and John for all the work they do every week to keep our game going.

Also thank you to each of the clubs that we play at.

To our members presently in hospital or just out of hospital, keep yourselves safe and healthy and we will see you soon.

Next week we will be moving to Lang Lang, so we look forward to having as many of our members turn up.

Could everyone please try to be on site by 10am as it makes it difficult to get the games arranged if people are running late.

Meanwhile we hope everyone has a safe and pleasant week.

See you next Thursday.

-Laurie Bell-