By Corey Everitt
A modest attempt by Rotary to bring a little Christmas spirit to Main Street has been questioned by the council, who have been reported to demand the provision of insurance for the installation of two Christmas trees.
Two weeks ago, the Pakenham Rotary Club installed trees on either side of Main Street’s commercial area, on the roundabouts with John Street and Station Street.
Authorised by club President Ian Wake, it was a modest attempt to have some Christmas theme appear in the centre of town.
Cardinia Shire Council doesn’t install Christmas decorations on Main Street, a factor that has frustrated some locals over the years.
“The council wasn’t going to do it, so we thought we would because bugger them,” Wake said.
Wake authorised the decision to use Rotary funds for the trees, they decided to not seek a permit as it would ‘take far too long’ where ‘they may even not get it’.
According to Wake, on Monday 16 December the council questioned the club about whether they acquired public liability insurance for the trees and whether they sought a permit.
Rotary does have insurance covering their public activities which Wake said the council should already be aware of.
Nonetheless, Rotary will correspond on this matter.
Wake also reported that the council suggested issues with the placement of the trees, that they distract from the line of sight for drivers which he said was ‘ridiculous’.
If the council is not satisfied by Rotary’s initiative, Wake reported, the council may take down the trees.
“I think it’s absolutely appalling,” Wake said.
“I told them we were trying to get a little Christmas spirit in town and they weren’t having any of it.
“I think it’s poor that they just won’t do up the Main Street.”
Cardinia Shire Council was contacted for comment.