Giving the visitors the full welcome

Ian Wake, Heike Mitchell, Terry Williams and Keith Shelton. (Stewart Chambers: 421315)

Pakenham may be a part of the urban sprawl now, but you can’t take its country welcome away.

Rotary Club of Pakenham recently added the last community sign to its two welcome boards on either side of town.

Each is located on the Princess Highway, one on the corner of Racecourse Road and the other just past Thewlis Road, these signs have a long history in Pakenham.

Formerly, signs stood in these locations for many years, but Rotarian Ian Wake and others a few years ago thought that they needed an update.

The new welcome boards were installed approximately 12 months ago and were based on those found in Korumburra.

It was quite the process to do so for the Rotary Club, being delayed by the pandemic and liaising with Government departments for permission.

Eventually, with the assistance of the council, they were built and installed and now showcase the many community groups in town. Special thanks go to Chris Stockwell from Metweld Steel in Nar Nar Goon who did all the galvanising for the frame.

Its 15 slots for signage are now full, displaying to visitors the breadth of the community with such groups as Pakenham Toy Library, the Cardinia Foundation, Riding for the Disabled Pakenham and much more.

Rotarian Ian Wake wished to thank the council who helped ‘immensely’ in the efforts to install the welcome boards.