Jackson family gather to celebrate birthday milestones

Some of the Jackson cousins: Wendy Moon, left, Barbara Murphy, Diane Dunn, Erle Levey, John Reid, Doug Jackson, Gloria Webster, Jan Ahern, Stan Jackson and Lyndal Cox. 420211_07

Erle Levey

Speak of Pakenham and you cannot help but include the Jackson family.

Not only were they part of the business community up to the 1950s with the family general store and bakehouse, but the sporting legacy runs right through the veins of the general community.

Football, netball, cricket, tennis … you name it and a Jackson or one of the extended family were there.

Of John and Margaret Jackson’s 13 sons and daughters, only one remains – Margaret Maher, living in the Hunter region of New South Wales.

One of the 33-grandchildren, Wendy Moon, celebrated her 80th birthday this month at son Phonse Moon’s property at Walligan, near Hervey Bay, Queensland.

Wendy is the daughter of Clive and Blanche Jackson – older sister of Doug and Stan, and the late Ted Jackson.

Now living at Wondunna at Hervey Bay, Wendy successfully ran a caravan park at Ulladulla on the south coast of New South Wales for many years.

Phonse worked with her at the caravan park from the age of 15.

In welcoming friends and relatives from as many parts of Australia – from Port Douglas in Far North Queensland to Pakenham – Phonse said his mother’s life was definitely worth celebrating.

“Mum has always been there for me and my family. This is a way of saying how grateful I am for all her efforts and sacrifices she has made to make me the person, the father and the husband I am.

“Anyone that knows her is aware of how hard she has worked all her life and has developed a reputation for throwing a big birthday party.’’

Wendy said it was great to have family together.

It highlights the strength of family, and that has been a trait of the Jacksons – keeping the family together over all these years.

“It’s important to keep that tradition going,’’ Wendy said.

The weekend gathering at Moonys Camp also celebrated the 21st birthday of Sophie Moon, Phonse’s eldest daughter.

Australian country music singer, songwriter and guitarist Lee Kernaghan and his band were among the line-up of musicians booked for the event.