Changing over the Inner Wheel committee

John Burhop, incoming president Marlene Burhop, Bernadette McDonald and Jackie Grant. (Supplied)

The Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham has welcomed in its new committee for the 2024-25 year ahead.

On Sunday 14 July, club members gathered at Meadowvale Retirement Village to celebrate the previous year and introduce their new committee for the year ahead.

Along with family and friends, the club welcomed the International Inner Wheel vice president Kaye Morland, District Chairman Erica Peck along with other District Office Bearers, as well as Pakenham Rotary president Ian Wake.

Whilst enjoying a buffet lunch, catered for by a team of members, everyone had the opportunity to catch up with others.

Outgoing president Deb James presented her report in the form of a video, revisiting how busy and full the year had been and how much fun can be had connecting with like-minded people, with the aim of helping others.

Past president Sue Blenkhorn introduced Marlene Burhop as the new president.

Marlene has been a very active member for many years, holding a range of executive positions including being a previous president and secretary last year.

The incoming commitee for the 2024-25 year is treasurer Jan Ahern, secretary Marcia Rook, Sue Blenkhorn, Joy Board, Deb James, Bronwyn Kennett, Maureen Lindau, Margaret McDonald, Jenny Watson and Alwyn Williams.

For more information about the Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham, contact