Legend Kebabs voted best in Melbourne

Legend Kebabs' Shivon, Johan, Ilir, Eddie and Ike. PICTURE STEWART CHAMBERS 414976_03

By Corey Everitt

Kebabs are serious business and Melbourne decided to vote Pakenham’s own Legend Kebabs as the best around.

In Triple M’s ‘Best of Melbourne’ competition, Legend Kebabs secured thousands of votes to take out the top spot in the city for the go-to kebab.

A highly competitive spot, there is not much short of a pub that would be so disputed than the best kebab as it’s enjoyed by many from their routine lunch breaks to the late night runs after a big weekend session.

Owner Eddie started the business five years ago; they have never entered into competitions only serving their quality food.

“People just voted for us, I didn’t make any application or anything like that, it was one of our customers which mentioned us on the radio and that’s how we got into it,” Eddie said.

“I wasn’t expecting that, but there must be something I’m doing right.”

The secret to the success is in fact a secret, alongside only fresh ingredients and family-made recipes, recreating his grandmother’s homemade bread is what keeps people coming back.

“It comes from history, when my grandmother was making it, I was young and loving this bread,” Eddie said.

“I always tried to remember because a long-time had passed.”

He would recreate the recipe after a fair bit of honing it down to how he remembered, but the effort was worth it.

“I keep trying to make the dough and then I would chuck it, make another one. I went through 100 kilos of dough,” Eddie said.

“Each time a customer comes in, I say which bread you like, they say of course homemade bread, that’s why I come here.”

The perfection goes beyond the sacred bread, recipes are made in the family. Each meal is a labour of love.

Even before starting the business, Eddie spent many hours figuring out the perfect best portions of meat, salad, sauces that make the most flavourful and filling kebab.

“Right now we have the famous shish kebab and the recipe is from my wife,” Eddie said.

“The thing is if you love what you are eating, then people will love it as well.

“It’s a family business, everybody puts love into this.”

Eddie is from Turkey, moving here three decades ago where he lived in Dandenong.

His father made kebabs back home and Legend Kebabs is a continuation of the food he was raised with.

Eddie will be going to Turkey next month, 12 years since the last time he visited. He may be coming back with more than a few new meals to add to the menu.

“Hopefully I can get more recipes, lots of family members do a similar job over there,” Eddie said.

One idea he is planning on his return is to start serving traditional Turkish breakfast on weekends.

For now he is still working away with his family serving on the busy weekend evenings.

“If you give love into your business, I believe anyone can do it,” Eddie said.

“I’ve always believed I can make anyone happy.”