Keeping seniors safe and loved

Cardinia Council mayor Jack Kowarzik (third from left) joined Cardinia U3A president Rob Trevena and secretary Heather Sherwell, Myli literacy librarian Moira Eveleens and library program officer Kelly West and Cardinia Council ageing and disability social inclusion officer Gineivra Antal.

Cardinia’s ageing population came together earlier this month to raise awareness around elder abuse in the lead up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which was celebrated on Saturday 15 June.

Cardinia Council facilitated workshops, including a community event with the Pakenham Senior Citizens Centre, as part of the Warm Safe Home project, led by Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV), Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria, and Housing for the Aged (HAAG).

As part of the project, participants created small-scale model houses to represent what a warm and safe home meant to them and discussed elder abuse, including recognising signs, promoting awareness, and emphasising the right to a safe home.

The project aimed to raise awareness of elder abuse, housing affordability, and other issues that face seniors across Victoria, and focuses on increasing and improving awareness of the rights of everyone to a warm safe home, free from elder abuse.

Elder abuse can take many forms and it is usually committed by someone familiar to the victim, with two thirds of abusers being an adult child.

Abuse may be physical or come in the forms of financial, emotional, psychological, sexual, or social harm.

Additionally, the severity of the abuse can vary and it may be an isolated event or ongoing.

Cardinia Council mayor Jack Kowarzik said supporting vulnerable seniors was everyone’s responsibility.

“We must work together to give seniors a voice, be prepared to listen, advocate for their needs, and support them to live healthy and fulfilling lives within a safe Cardinia Shire,” he said.

“The unfortunate reality for some older people in the community, is that they cannot feel safe or supported in their own homes, within their families or out in their community.

“Addressing factors that contribute to the problem, such as working to ensure affordable housing options are available, particularly for vulnerable people, and creating awareness about elder abuse, how it happens, and what support is available – it all helps.”

Older people experiencing or at risk of elder abuse can contact Seniors Rights Victoria’s confidential helpline on 1300 368 821 or concerned friends or family can visit