Rotary Helps Finish the Fight

Several families took part. Rotarian Ken Rook with family members Kamya Foster, Jemima Foster, Marcia Rook, Courtney Rook, Lawson Rook and dog Lacey.

For several years Rotary Clubs worldwide have been working to eliminate Malaria by providing funds to teach people in vulnerable areas how to control the spread of mosquitoes, and the provision long lasting insecticide impregnated mosquito nets, indoor residential spraying, environmental improvement such as stagnant water control, and training of local villagers in hygiene and health.

On Sunday 16 June the Rotary Club of Pakenham held a walk to raise much needed funds to support Malaria elimination programs in

Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste, our near neighbours. The walk covered almost 7 kilometres with lap of Rotary Park from the Princes Highway to Henry Road and back and finished with a free sausage sizzle. All involved were pleased with the event and much needed funds will be donated to the Rotarians Against Malaria project which will go towards saving the lives of many children. The event also highlighted the importance of Rotary Park to the local community.