Cardinia Shire community members are invited to attend a free family-friendly event celebrating International Women’s Day 2024 on Thursday 7 March.
The event is hosted by Cardinia Shire Council in partnership with Living and Learning Centre, Foundation House and Myli and will be held at Pakenham Hall, Cnr John and Henry St Pakenham, from 9.30am to 12pm.
It will include:
Welcome to Country.
Special guest speaker.
Morning tea.
Henna art.
Women Weavers workshop.
Door prizes.
Storytime with Myli Library.
Guests will be joined by social entrepreneur, lawyer, and executive within the Victoria Public Service, Zione Walker-Nthenda.
International Women’s Day is a global celebration, on 8 March each year, of the women’s rights movement and the social, economic, cultural and political achievements, both large and small, made to achieve gender equality.
The local event on 7 March will centre around this year’s International Women’s Day theme; ‘Inspire Inclusion’.
Cardinia Shire mayor Cr Jack Kowarzik said this theme called for action to inspire interest and awareness about the value of women’s inclusion.
“This year for International Women’s Day, we look to inspire awareness, understanding and action; to ensure the needs, interests and aspirations of women and girls are valued and included in the work we do at Council and in our community.
“The Cardinia Shire International Women’s Day event gives our community a chance to come together, connect with and celebrate the outstanding contributions of local women across our shire, and to inspire inclusion beyond the event,” Cr Kowarzik said.
He invited everyone in the community to come along and share in the family-friendly cultural activities, music, food, and enjoy a special presentation from guest speaker, Zione Walker-Nthenda.
The work done to progress women’s rights is fundamentally about ensuring equal human rights for everyone and embracing all gender, age, ability, culture, ethnicity, sexuality, and religion, the council said.
“Everyone has a part to play and together we can do this by sharing stories of adversity and achievement, progressing change in policy and planning to ensure equitable access to services and support to overcome barriers to inclusion, and bringing local women of all backgrounds together to connect.”
Registrations to attend are required for catering purposes and can be made by email to mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au or by calling 1300 787 624.