Care Finder information sessions open

Cardinia seniors are invited to attend new Care Finder information sessions next month to learn about and get help with accessing My Aged Care services.

The Care Finder program is a free service which explains and helps seniors to navigate the process of applying for My Aged Care support services, such as cleaning, shopping and personal care.

Cardinia mayor councillor Jack Kowarzik said all local seniors are welcome to attend the upcoming information sessions on Tuesday 12 March and Tuesday 19 March from 10am to noon at the Cardinia Civic Centre at 20 Siding Avenue in Officer.

“To access My Aged Care support services, seniors need an assessment to determine their individual needs, eligibility, and service suitability,” he said.

“I’ve heard the process can be a bit overwhelming for those who have no prior knowledge about it.

“That’s why council has partnered with Care Finder providers Wintringham, Monash Health, and Care Connect, to host two free information sessions in March and help educate and support our senior community members to get started.”

Mr Kowarzik said all attendees are encouraged to book early to attend.

“It’s a great opportunity to get important information about accessing aged care services that may be available to you or your loved ones,” he said.

“Attendees will also get one-on-one support and advice specific to their needs and receive help to start on their application to access My Aged Care support.”

For more information about the information sessions, email Council’s Ageing Well team at or call 1300 787 624 during business hours.

For more information about the Care Finder program, visit