Engineering intern shines

The upcoming International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February celebrates women like Fariha.

By Emma Xerri

With the International Day of Women and Girls in Science fast approaching, engineering graduate and Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) civil engineering intern Fariha Chowdhury has taken the time to reflect on her experiences so far as a female engineer in the construction industry.

Having spent the last six months working on the Burwood Highway-McMahons Road Intersection Upgrade and the Thompsons Road/Berwick Cranbourne Road Intersection Upgrade, Ms Chowdhury has gained invaluable insight into the importance of internship programs such as this for accelerating and celebrating the work of women in engineering.

“The privilege of being surrounded by experts whom I could consult for guidance immensely aided my learning,” Ms Chowdhury said.

“These experiences have been instrumental in shaping my perspective as a future civil engineer and have equipped me with practical knowledge crucial for launching my career.”

And it was the mentorship received from female peers in particular, especially MRPV project manager Erin Ross, that made for such an inspiring internship experience.

“Erin’s role as my manager has been incredibly inspiring,” Ms Chowdhury said.

“I’ve seen firsthand her expertise, extensive knowledge in road projects, and exceptional leadership qualities.

“Her unwavering support for my learning and opportunities, coupled with entrusting me with various responsibilities, has been invaluable.

“Observing Erin’s success underscores the fact that as a woman in engineering, we can make equally significant contributions to the community.

“Having her as a role model has bolstered my confidence, reaffirmed my belief in pushing forward and striving for excellence.”

With this internship now sitting comfortably amongst what is sure to become an impressive resume, Ms Chowdhury is looking forward to her next steps.

“Overall, my aspiration is to actively participate in infrastructure projects, continually expanding my knowledge and experience in this field.

“Looking ahead, my goal is to become an entrepreneur by establishing my own firm, specifically focusing on fostering the involvement of women in engineering.

“I’ve had the privilege of working alongside incredibly talented and intelligent women engineers, highlighting the need for more representation of women in our industry.

“I aim to create opportunities and support to encourage more women to pursue and thrive in engineering roles.”