Local schools receive state funding

Berwick Secondary College 139510_11

By Emma Xerri

Berwick Secondary College and Nossal High School have each received more than $490,000 towards upgrade and repair projects as part of the State Government’s $10 million allocation towards the Minor Works Capital Fund.

The fund, which has already supported more than 500 projects across Victorian schools, focuses on improving the school’s condition and overall learning environment through small but impactful projects, and Berwick Secondary College and Nossal High School are among the 22 schools benefiting from the latest allocations.

Berwick Secondary College has received $498,347 from the Minor Capital Works Fund, with the money going towards the refurbishment of their school’s B Block toilets, set to be completed at the end of 2025.

The college has also received previous funding from the state’s Upgrade and Modernisation and Inclusive Schools Funds, allowing for the building of their Wominjeka ‘Welcome’ Centre in 2018 and their multi-purpose health and wellbeing hub in 2021.

Also on track to finish by the end of 2025 is Nossal’s main building roof repairs, for which the school received $496,365.

Education Minister Ben Carroll said funds like this one were essential towards maintaining the state’s schools.

“Every Victorian student should have access to a great school no matter where they live, that’s why we’re supporting local schools with the resources they need to make a difference to students’ education across the state,” he said.

These additional funds bring the state government’s total investment since 2020 to $141.8 million, allowing schools within Casey and Victoria more broadly greater opportunities to improve their facilities, and providing more equitable access to well-resourced schools state-wide.