Harkaway teacher celebrated for service

Chris Adams 376469_01

By Emma Xerri

After devoting 16 years to his work as a teacher and leader at Harkaway Primary School, Chris Adams has been honoured with the Sports Victoria Service Award, recognising the tremendous impacts of his work on the generations of students who have had the privilege of his guidance.

Proud to be celebrating Mr Adams’ great work, Principal of Harkaway Primary School Leigh Johnson said, “Since he joined our team 16 years ago, he’s been instrumental in shaping our school culture with his attitude in teaching kids to problem solve, challenging kids to be their very best and identifying strengths for children to pursue.

“Over the years he’s made an incredible difference in kids’ lives. He’s skilled at getting kids to see themselves as more than they see themselves and really own his perception of them. And as a teacher, that’s a real gift to have. It’s a privilege for kids to really hear what you’re saying.”

Having worked in many facets of the Harkaway Primary community, the impacts of Mr Adams’ hard work have seen children grow from local, school-based sport all the way to regional level, and his commitment to fostering a positive outlook on education and growth for every student has also allowed for the school’s maths department flourish.

“We’ve seen our inter school sports extend beyond just sports and into the value of representing your school, your region and your state. And what he’s done at that level has been instrumental in ensuring that children have a chance to actually show off and develop their incredible skills,” Mr Johnson said.

“But his most significant role recently has been completely reimagining how maths is learned here at Harkaway Primary School. As a result, we’ve seen incredible growth and improvement, and outstanding commitment to our whole community improving their maths scores.”

So while this award may be long overdue, Mr Johnson is among many in the Harkaway Primary School Community who are thrilled to be celebrating an otherwise humble, but incredibly deserving educator.

“What an outstanding opportunity to really value the heart, passion and soul of one of our most extraordinary teachers.

“Chris is a genuine leader. He epitomises all the most extraordinarily positive things of what it means to be a teacher.

“I wish I had a teacher like Chris Adams when I was in primary school.”

And with Mr Adams set to move to Labertouche Primary School, the community at Harkaway Primary School is experiencing an overwhelming sense of gratitude, sad to be losing a tremendous teacher, but collectively excited for the great work Mr Adams is undoubtedly going on to do.

“Chris leaves big shoes to fill, but more than that, he leaves a warm legacy of giving your best shot, as well as all the structures he’s put in place to allow children to engage in everything they have been doing.

“Our kids have nothing but incredible regard for Chris, and we’re all going to be in tears on his last day. But we know the change is a good change for him and we hope to continue to celebrate all the amazing things he brings to the classroom and to school culture.

“Whoever steps into that role next will be standing on his shoulders.”