By Eleanor Wilson
Cardinia Shire Council has moved to permanently close a section of Mulcahy Road, near the Pakenham Cemetery.
Council began discussions surrounding the closure of Mulcahy Road between Thewlis Road and Moritz Street 12 months ago, after it was determined that original plans to construct a roundabout in the section would not be feasible.
According to council, The Cardinia Road Precinct Structure Plan indicated Mulcahy Road was to be constructed and become a collector road that would have provided access to the various developments to be constructed in the area, such as the Mt Pleasant Estate.
A roundabout was proposed for the intersection of Thewlis Road and Mulcahy Road, but engineer investigations found there was not sufficient space for a properly designed roundabout that would allow the Thewlis Road/Kenneth Road/Mulcahy Road intersection to function safely.
The roundabout would have required additional land from the cemetery to function properly, which would mean the excavation and relocation of grave sites.
At a council meeting on 18 September, councillors voted unanimously to permanently close the western end of Mulcahy Road instead.
The road closure proposal was extended for community and stakeholder consultation last year, with no adverse submissions received.
A traffic impact assessment was also undertaken, determining that the anticipated traffic flow along the road could be redirected along the surrounding road network without causing impractical capacity.
Motorists wishing to enter the Mt Pleasant estate will be able to do so via Havana Parade and Pointer Drive, council officers said.
There would also be no adverse impact to bus routes or access points.
The Pakenham Cemetery has expressed interest in acquiring the land to expand its operations capacity and is expected to engage in further discussions to formalise proceedings.
Councillor Carol Ryan said the potential acquisition of the parcel of land by the cemetery trust would be a “great outcome”.
“The Pakenham Cemetery had been struggling continually for extra land, as there’s not much room there, the majority of it is taken up with grave sites now,” Cr Ryan said.
“I think this parcel of land, with the interest of the Pakenham Cemetery, hopefully it will go through and they will have that extra land to service our community.”
Councillor Brett Owen concurred the decision was a good outcome for the community.
“This is a good outcome to help provide the cemetery trust with additional land, with no adverse impacts of what an upgraded intersection with Thewlis Road would have provided to the cemetery.”