Debate over park status

Eastone Reserve in Pakenham. Picture: COREY EVERITT 348437_01

By Corey Everitt

Cardinia Shire Council’s July general meeting on Monday 17 July saw arguments of favouritism as an alternate version for the council’s Open Space Strategy was put forward.

The Open Space Strategy, which guides the policy of the council’s actions with recreational spaces in the community, was put forward for approval on Monday’s meeting, but Pakenham Hills Ward Councillor Jack Kowarzik moved an amended version which accepted the original in full but added that Eastone Reserve be given an elevated status as a district level reserve, rather than a neighbourhood level reserve.

These levels to reserves determine the considered level of use and status to a reserve which subsequently give it entitlements to resources for facilities and maintenance.

A district level reserve is considered to be used wider than its immediate township, with high volume of visitors and longer travelling distances for residents.

This adds priority for resources and facilities, as for instance, a district level reserve is determined to need a public toilet as it’s assumed people travel beyond walking distance from their homes for the park.

“My intention in bringing this before councillors tonight is to allow for a future council to consider this area as suitable for potential upgrades, this doesn’t lock us in to anything, nor commit the current or future councils to acts,“ he said.

Cr Kowarzik cited the definition of a district level reserve within the State Government’s Planning Ministry, where the conditions in the way of size and existing facilities are met by Eastone Reserve, he claimed.

Councillor Graeme Moore and Stephanie Davies opposed the amendment.

Cr Moore said, “I have concerns about setting a precedent to elevating Eastone Park up to a district level, there are other parks around that could be involved in this district level and I get concerned what they would portray to our community.“

Cr Davies disputed the claims of Eastone Reserve fitting the criteria of a district reserve and said ’I’m very concerned that the alternate motion is not equitable decision making, the strategy has also had extensive community consultation, so to change things at the very last minute is not something I see as the best example of a councillor using their power.“

“Especially when a decision is giving one ward’s parks a specific benefit without reason over all the other parks and reserves.“

Councillor Jeff Springfield spoke in support of the amendment, saying the evidence of the reserve’s status change was convincing.

Councillor Colin Ross defending Cr Kowarzik.

“Over the years on council I’ve seen many things come up in the last minute because people see them and as a councillor in a single ward, if you don’t stand up for your community on things that you see and you think aren’t exactly correct, even if you put it up late, you’re not doing your job as well as you can do.“

The motion would be passed, with Councillors Ross, Korwazik, Owen, Springfield, Ryan, Radford, Cameron in favour and Councillor Moore and Davies opposed.

The motion may come to be debated again as an online error in the agenda meant the approval of overall strategy was postponed until the August general meeting, only Cr Kowarzik’s amendment to the overall document was passed.