Give the draft 2023/24 budget feedback

Cardinia Shire Council is asking for feedback on its draft budget for 2023-24. Photo: SUPPLIED

The Cardinia Shire Council has listened to input from residents and businesses to help shape the draft 2023–2024 budget.

The community is now encouraged to have their say on the draft budget.

The council prepares four-year rolling budgets, reviewed annually, to deliver on the community’s priorities outlined in its 2021–2025 Council Plan.

The draft 2023–24 budget is available for feedback on council’s Creating Cardinia website at from 5 – 21 May.

You can also request to view it at the Council’s Customer Service Centre in Siding Avenue, Officer, between the hours of 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Comments can be submitted to council by post addressed to Cardinia Shire Council’s Chief Finance Officer, Scott Moore at PO Box 7, Pakenham, Victoria, 3810.

They can submitted also through email to or on the Creating Cardinia website at

The council will consider all community views and discuss any changes to the proposed budget before endorsing the final version at a council meeting on 26 June 2023.