Bin uncertainty

The Macdeon Ranges Shire Council implemented the four-bin system in 2021. Photo: SUPPLIED

Cardinia Shire Council is unsure when its glass or organics bins will be implemented shire-wide, as part of the State Government’s so-called kerbside reforms.

The New Action Plan for Cardinia’s Waste was initiated in 2022 and set to cover rubbish management until 2026.

This is the second part of a 10-year transition of waste management.

The biggest change is the council adapting to the State Government’s so-called Kerbside Reforms.

The new reforms involve a four-stream waste system for households.

Waste will be distributed at the household level between food and organics, glass, combined paper, plastic and metals and non-recyclable waste.

The new system will have four bins per household, residual general waste in a red-lid bin, glass in a separate bin, recyclables in another and one for green waste.

The timeline for the change was updated for Cardinia at the council’s March meeting, with red-lid bins expected to be fully rolled out between late 2023 and early 2024.

While the times for both the separate service for glass and organic waste have not been set.

The motion said a service for organics was delayed due to “industry capacity issues”.

A spokesperson for the council stated: “Specific details regarding a separate glass service and acceptable items for each stream are yet to be finalised by the State Government. Cardinia Shire Council has not made any decisions regarding these services. Community consultation and councillor endorsement will be completed in due course.”

While the spokesperson said Cardinia is in already a good position for the transition.

“Cardinia Shire Council is in a fortunate position of having bin lid colours that already closely align to required standards: yellow lid for recycling, and lime green lid for food and garden waste,” the spokesperson said.

“Since January 2019, all new and replacement rubbish bin lids in Cardinia have been red, rather than the previous dark green, as part of a gradual change-over.”

The State Government has set 2027 as the deadline for each council to have a glass waste service and 2030 for an organic waste service.

The motion was moved by Cr Jack Kowarzik and seconded by Cr Stephanie Davies.