By Tanya Faulkner
Excitement was in the air as the new intake of Preps at Haileybury’s Berwick campus on Monday braved their first day of school.
Haileybury’s Berwick campus saw 43 new Preps walk through the gates, with plenty of smiles, nerves and goodbye hugs with parents to start the new year.
The new arrivals spent their time getting familiar with their new school grounds, making new friends and exploring the playground during their recess and lunch breaks.
Prep student Aliya Ingham said the best part of her day was “seeing my whole class and going outside on the playground”.
Haileybury’s Head of Junior School in Berwick Michele McGill said the first day of prep is a big milestone for both the new students, staff and parents.
She said the Prep students look all grown up in their uniforms, and they love inviting the families to see their child’s locker and workspace for the upcoming school year.
“Later in the day each student has their photo taken with a ‘first day of prep’ sign to commemorate the occasion”.
The first day of school is an exciting time for the new Preps, with the day being spent enjoying some ‘get to know you’ activities like making some decorative bunting for an ‘All About Me’ display in the classroom.
Ms McGill said it’s a good opportunity for teachers to get some insight into the children’s world, find out what they are interested in and what their home life looks like.
Preps are also given a guided tour around the school to remind them where the play areas and bathrooms are, and to remind them of the playground and classroom rules.
“The first day of Prep is something teachers look forward to,” said Ms McGill.
“It’s the start of a fresh new year with new students. It can be an exhausting day but it’s also incredibly rewarding when any first day tears are replaced with big, beautiful smiles”.
For new Prep Jack Mills, the highlight of his day was getting to see his friend, Shoben, while Allegra Di Giorgio said colouring in was the most fun for her.