Year in Review – Pakenham CWA says goodbye

Pakenham CWA members catch up at Vanille Bistro Pakenham, from left, Anne, Hazel, Sue and Vicky. 255239_20

By Shelby Brooks

After more than 20 years, the ladies of the Pakenham Country Women’s Association (CWA) decided to close the branch in November.

This is the second time the branch has shut, after the group was reopened in 1999 after a 30-year break.

Age and declining health were the main factors which led to the closure, current secretary Vicky Birch said.

“There are 14 members, some of these have not been coming to meetings due to age and/or ill health. Average attendance at monthly meetings has been 10 and recently some of our members indicated that they would not be renewing their membership for the coming year,” Ms Birch said.

“Also, several office bearers who have been in the same position for the last three years indicated that they did not wish to continue as an office bearer.”

A few members were moving to other branches in the wider area, while others were retiring from the organisation.

Ms Birch said many people felt sad about the closure.

“It’s been a difficult few years to do the fundraising, not only due to Covid-19 restrictions but some members are just not able to help and therefore it makes for a lot of pressure on the few that are able bodied,” she said.

“I’m very sorry that we will not be able to continue to support the community.

“It’s about helping people, it’s that chance to make a difference. It was knowing that you’re doing something to help someone and raising those funds.”

Notably, Pakenham CWA was led for some time by Carol Clay, who went missing in Victoria’s high country in 2020.

Sadly, her remains were found in February 2022.

Ms Clay was honoured by the CWA this year with a Women Walk the World event around Pakenham’s Lakeside Lake.

This year, a special presentation was made at the Creative Arts Exhibition, run annually by the CWA West Gippsland Group, to the winner of the inaugural Carol Clay trophy, given to the exhibitor with the highest number of entries.