Aleisha tops class

Pakenham Secondary College Dux Aleisha Lippis. Photo: SUPPLIED

Pakenham Secondary College’s Dux was Aleisha Lippis.

How are you feeling about being the Dux of your school?

I am ecstatic, being able to physically see how my hard work and determination to achieve my personal best has paid off. I am content with my score and proud of my self efficacy and resilience which has not only been tested over the stressful year but also reinforced.

How were you and your family feeling the morning when you got your results?

I had shown my mother my ATAR and she screamed and hugged me, telling me how proud she was. I called my father as well and he told me he always believed in me and was proud. They never held academic expectations on me, however, were confident and significantly proud of my efforts to achieve high results.

What was your study routine and how did you find remote learning?

Although some days it was a struggle to get out of bed, being able to connect with friends and teachers online kept me going.

Are you looking to study further and, if so, what uni course are you considering?

I am so excited to hopefully go to Monash to study a double degree in arts and secondary teaching. Keen to educate and inspire students both inside and outside the classroom, and replicate the dedication and passion all my teachers at Pakenham Secondary have shown.

Do you have any words of wisdom for the class of Year 12 2023?

I shall leave you with one quote: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to try that counts.” Regardless of your talents, intelligence and passions, always try your hardest because that is the true reflection of your character, not your academic marks.