Cardinia Shire Council recently launched its Community Connection Packs initiative at the Living Learning Centre in Pakenham.
The Community Connection Packs initiative provides Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities with material aid and other support from Salvation Army, Public Transport (MYKI), Community Grocer and Cardinia Life.
The packs also provide access to programs delivered in partnership with Living and Learning Pakenham, Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) and sporting organisations, including financial literacy programs, playgroups, and youth engagement activities to assist in rebuilding social connection.
COVID-19 information and links to a range of support services in their own language are also available as part of the initiative.
Councillor Jeff Springfield said the Community Connection Packs are an important initiative to help the CALD community through what has been a challenging few years.
“Council is committed to working with key services and our community in creating a ‘Safe, inclusive, and connected Cardinia’ offering services and supports within the shire.”
If you want to discuss how the Community Connection Pack may benefit you or your family, please contact one of the following service providers:
Salvation Army: 5941 4906.
Living Learning Pakenham: 5941 2389.
Cardinia Shire Council: 1300 787 624.
Centre for Multicultural Youth: 1800 496 884.
For information on a range of community services in Cardinia Shire, please go to the ‘Community Services Directory’, which is available in 11 languages, at cardinia.vic.gov.au/communityservices
The Community Care Packages are funded by the Victorian Government’s Department of Families Fairness and Housing (DFFH) under the Local Partnerships Project.