Much-needed funds raised for RDA Pakenham

Jarrod Matthews presents Sarah Beck with a cheque that will go towards upgrading the RDA.

By Hugh Pearson

Riding for Disabled Australia was presented with a cheque on Tuesday 25 October to continue developing their facilities.

Personal training company Bfirm raised $30,000 from their inaugural charity golf day earlier this month.

“We came out and had a look at the facilities not too long ago and we thought it needs a bit of help,” Bfirm co-founder Michael Harold said.

“It’s obviously in its infancy stages so we want to be a part of it and help it grow to what it can be but it definitely needs the support of the community to get it up and running,” Bfirm co-founder Jarrod Matthews said.

The money raised will contribute to a new undercover area at the RDA’s riding centre.

“It’s going towards an undercover area where people dropping participants of the program off are able to safely sit in the area and watch their kids or who they’re looking after participate in the program,” RDA vice-president Paul Beck said.

The charity golf day took months of preparation for all involved.

Preparation for the day included organising the event and gathering support from the local community.

“There were 23 businesses that got involved in the golf day and then we had other businesses who sponsored holes and were a part of auction items,” Mr Matthews said.

“I think in total there were around 40 businesses that were involved in the whole day.”

Mr Harold and Mr Matthews said they’re excited to continue supporting RDA and have their sights set on next year’s golf day.

“We can see there’s a fair bit of work we’d like to help them do down here to get it up to where they’d like it to be,” Mr Matthews said.

“It’ll be an annual thing for RDA, the response was phenomenal,” Mr Harold said.

“We’ll learn from this one and we’ll make it even better next year.”