By Hugh Pearson
A proposal for a childcare centre in Pakenham has been knocked back by the Cardinia Shire council.
The decision to grant a planning permit for a childcare centre at 1-3 Savage Street was refused at council’s meeting on Monday 17 October.
The planning application was supported by council officers, who advised via a report the requirements of onsite parking and the capability of the surrounding transport network was sufficient to support the childcare centre.
Councillor Stephanie Davies referred to the council officer’s assessment and said, “I am in disagreement of the opinion shared by others calling it inappropriate”.
“I think it’s large enough for six or so double-storey homes and previously a land owner applied for a boarding house so a childcare centre in my view is a much better option.
“I’m optimistic this development will be beneficial.”
Cr Davies’ concern for not approving the planning permit was the issue could be referred to VCAT who have the power to overrule the council.
“I think it’s probable the council’s refusal would be overruled and then the council will incur legal bills and the development would go ahead anyway,” Cr Davies said.
Councillor Carol Ryan said the use was inconsistent with the proposed purpose of the general residential zone.
Cr Ryan also said the proposed use would have a detrimental impact on the local road network and supply of on-street parking in the surrounding areas.
“Savage Street is narrow and a dead end street and the other end is onto Henty Street which is on a t-intersection,” Cr Ryan said.
“There will be traffic congestion due to the issue cause by cars turning around into residents’ driveways or U-turns within the street.
“If cars are parked on both sides of the street, it leaves no room for emergency services or waste services, removalist trucks or taxi services, funeral directors and any other service that needs to be going down that street.”
Councillor Collin Ross was in agreement to refuse the planning permit and said the decision to put a childcare centre on a dead end street was “totally inappropriate”.
Cr Ross also said there were other areas in Pakenham better suited to the development of a childcare centre.
“To try wedge it into the middle of this residential area is an overuse of the area and would put extreme stress on the people that live there and would not be within the character of the area,” Cr Ross said.
Mayor Jeff Springfield concluded the discussion and said he thought the grounds for refusal weren’t very strong.
“I don’t think this development is completely inappropriate,” Mayor Springfield said.