Expression of Interest (EOI) applications are now open for Community Capital Works Partnership Grants 2023–24 (Category 2).
During a review of the Community Capital Works Grants program process in 2020, the Cardinia Shire council found that Category 2 projects require a greater level of application detail and additional support for community group applicants.
The new-look grants have been divided into three categories and have been designed to be more accessible to community members and groups across the shire.
• Community capital works grants (Category 1) – grants of up to $20,000 per project available from a set priorities list that will benefit the enhancement of the facility. The council manages the delivery of these projects.
• Community capital works partnership grants (Category 2) – matched funding grants of up to $35,000 per project are available for a community group’s choice of project that will benefit a council asset/facility, increase participation, and inclusion. Community groups contribute financially and manage the works with guidance from council.
• Major equipment grants (Category 3) – matched funding grants of up to $20,000 per project are available to purchase major equipment to assist in the maintenance of sporting grounds, outer grounds, or large internal areas.
This year, the EOI applications are opening earlier to provide community groups with more time to work through their project planning before the detailed applications open in January 2023.
Eligible community groups and organisations that would like to apply will need to complete their EOI form and have the proposed project supported by the council before they can proceed to the detailed application process in January 2023.
Expressions of Interest must be submitted online through SmartyGrants before Friday 16 December 2022 at cardinia.vic.gov.au/ccwg
Cardinia Shire Council will also host a grant writing workshop from 6 to 8pm on Tuesday 18 October to further assist community groups that apply for grants, including those that are interested in applying for Community Capital Works Grants.
To register for this session, email ccwg@cardinia.vic.gov.au before Friday 14 October.
All applications for the Community Capital Works Grants 2023–24, including supported Category 2 applications, will be open from January to March 2023.
For more information, including project and applicant eligibility or to apply for any of our community grant programs, visit the council’s website at cardinia.vic.gov.au/grants or call the Connected Communities Team on 1300 787 624.