The Pakenham Agricultural Horse Show is back again later this month and once again on local soil, with organisers getting ready to showcase equestrian talent from across the state.
The 2022 event, sponsored by Parklea Pakenham, will run on Sunday 28 August at Ayr Hill Equestrian Centre, Clyde.
Last year the show was held in Werribee due to lockdowns and other unforseen obstacles.
There is also a new committee ably led by passionate coordinators Bec Phillips and Cassie Parsons, who have taken over the reins and have done a wonderful job in the short lead up.
“This show’s longevity and success can be greatly attributed to the strong community support by so many of the area’s local families and businesses,” Cassie said.
“The committee is so grateful for such support, as are the people coming from all over to compete on the day.
“This show is one of the first in the agricultural show season and has a great following by horse competitors as it’s a good chance for their horses to get out and compete before the lead up to the Royal Melbourne Show.”
Cassie and Bec have been shown a great deal of support by other community members such as Geoff and Janette Young, as well as Jane Comden, previous coordinators and 2022-23 Parklea Pakenham Show president David Young has also given his positive encouragement.
This year, the Parklea Pakenham Horse Show hopes to make the show bigger and better.
If you would like to enter your horse, please go to nominate.com.au and follow the steps: click on ’Equestrian’, click on ’Enter events here’, ensure the ’Interest’ filer is set to ’All’, and then search for 2022 Parklea Pakenham Agricultural Show.
If you have any issues whilst doing this, do not hesitate to contact Cassie Parsons 0438 395 135.