Shire takes climate action

Change to shoreline with a sea rise level of 82cm by 2100. Picture: Cardinia Shire Council Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2022 to 2033.

Cardinia Shire Council is adopting a new Climate Change Adaptation Strategy to address a declared climate emergency across the shire.

Adopted at the Monday 15 August council meeting, the strategy will support the community to adapt to climate change challenges.

Councillor Jack Kowarzik moved the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Collin Ross.

“As a result of community sentiment and scientific consensus, council declared a climate emergency in September 2019,” Mr Kowarzik said.

“The declaration made the important commitment of emphasising climate change adaptation and mission actions as key priorities in the Council Plan.

“The development of this strategy to address and mitigate the climate change impacts and risks to Cardinia Shire is a significant action to meet this commitment.”

Throughout the consultation process of six weeks, the community identified action priorities over the short, medium and long term time frames.

Mr Kowarsik said the strategy would build on previous initiatives and actions undertaken by council and direct action over the next 10 years.

“This strategy aims to enable our people, businesses, infrastructure and environment to cope with an increasingly variable climate,” he said.

Community responses to the engagement survey period assisted the council to prioritise actions which include increasing the awareness and preparedness to natural hazards as well as the development of an urban forest strategy and a resilient agriculture program.

Councillor Ross said the strategy was a diligent action taken by council.

“I think it’s important we do invest in this area and for the future generations, that we be seen as leaders in the community for taking action within our powers,” he said.

Mayor Jeff Springfield said the strategy will provide the guiding pathways to reduce the community’s vulnerability to climate events and promote the resilience of social, ecological and economic systems.

“I don’t think anyone can really argue against it so I’m really glad that as a council we’re on the front foot of this,” Cr Springfield said.

The strategy will embed adaptive measures into council operations and processes, as well as recommend actions for the community to reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

All councillors voted in favour of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, which will cover the period of 2022 to 2033.

To view the policy, visit