Pyjamas for a key cause

Educator Bridget with Evie, Kobe and Cruz in their pyjamas at Little Saints in Pakenham. 288423_05

Kids at a Pakenham early learning centre have been ’jamming’ out all week to raise awareness for The Pyjama Foundation.

Children who attend Little Saints Early Learning Centre in Pakenham have come to class in their pyjamas to raise much needed awareness for children in foster care.

Centre director Emma Heyward said the centre had backed the cause for a few years now.

“We want to raise awareness for children who may not live at home with their parents,“ she said.

“We do want to raise awareness to our children about the community they live in and what’s happening around them.“

National Pyjama Day, celebrated on Friday 22 July is all about wearing your favourite pair of pyjamas to help The Pyjama Foundation.

With the money raised from National Pyjama Day, the foundation is able to offer learning skills to more than 1000 foster children, fund educational resources and help provide stable, positive relationships.

You can host a Pyjama Day anytime from July through to September.

Register for National Pyjama Day now at