Multi-car collision on Princes Highway

The driver of this car was taken to hospital with minor injures. 287864_01 Picture: MARCUS UHE

By Marcus Uhe

A driver has collided with another car and crashed into a traffic light tower after a collision in Pakenham on Wednesday 29 June.

The driver in a white Toyota Camry went through a red light while attempting to cross the Highway and enter Windermere Boulevard when it collided with a Range Rover travelling on the Highway towards Nar Nar Goon, Trent Montgomery from Cardinia Highway Patrol said.

The driver of the Camry was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

“Vicroads will be on the way to check out the light and check it’s integrity isn’t compromised and is safe, Mr Montgomery said.

“It seems to be functioning alright, but we’ll just make sure it doesn’t have any issues.

“For a fairly big hit, for a car that’s doing 80 kilometres per hour into one that’s just going sideways, I think everyone’s pretty uninjured.

“You’ve got to watch for the traffic lights.”