By Shelby Brooks
A Lang Lang Primary School student has helped raised almost $13,000 for motor neuron disease after losing his grandmother to the terrible illness.
For four years, 12-year-old Harry Brian has been helping mum Amanda and brother Marcus sell MND Victoria and Big Freeze merchandise at his school, the local bakery and cafe.
“Muscles help us to move around, the muscles in our legs help us to walk, the muscles in our arms help us to pick things up,“ Harry explained.
“To get these muscles to move our brains need to tell our muscles what to do. The brain sends messages through special nerve cells called motor neurons.
“MND is a disease which breaks down the motor neurons. Unfortunately there is no cure for MND right now but scientists all over the world are working very hard to find one.“
Amanda said she suggested the family start fundraising for MND research and awareness after losing her mother-in-law Cheryl.
“The kids took it really hard. She was only eight months diagnosed when she passed away,“ Amanda said.
“To help heal some heartbreak Harry and brother Marcus decided to fundraise for MND in honour of their much loved Nana.
“In the past four years they have sold MND Victoria merchandise, held a sausage sizzle and even got the local primary school to do a wear blue to school for a gold coin donation.“
Now as owner of the new Country Grind Cafe in Lang Lang, Amanda is selling MND Big Freeze beanies and socks out of the popular business.
“This year is Harry’s last year at Lang Lang Primary School. As well as selling beanies at the cafe, the parents club have organised for Harry to do a Big Freeze on the last day of term,“ Amanda said.
“In the past four years together the boys have raised a little over $12,900 going straight to MND Australia.
“There is still a few Big Freeze eight beanies left at Country Grind Cafe so come in and grab one whilst the weather is cold.“
Harry was awarded the Junior Community Service Award at the 2019 Australia Day service for his efforts.