Daytime firefighters needed

Volunteers with daytime availability are needed at the Pakenham CFA.

By Shelby Brooks

Pakenham CFA is looking for daytime volunteer responders to help round out its brigade.

Captain Michael Corzelius is hoping for 10 to 15 new volunteers to join the crew to assist with daytime emergencies.

“We do lack daytime responders at the moment. It’s hard because a lot of us work full time out of the district.,“ Mr Corzelius said.

“We need people home during the day who are interested in becoming volunteer firefighters.

“That might be people who work from home, uni students, shift workers, people not working, retirees or parents who stay home with kids.“

A drop in information session will be held Saturday 30 April 10am to 2pm at 7 John Street for any interested people to learn more.

Mr Corzelius said daytime volunteers could respond to structure fires, alarm premise checks and community emergencies.

“Saving lives doesn’t get put on hold from 9am to 5pm, so we need members who can take on this role,“ Mr Corzelius said.

“Our volunteers come from all walks of life and have diverse backgrounds, interests and skills.“

Those responses could be in the Pakenham area but also supporting Toomuc, Nar Nar Goon and Kooweerup brigades in their areas.

“It’s a way for people to support their community and get to know new friends and help save lives,“ he said.

No experiences is neccessary, with all relevant training and equipment provided at no cost to the volunteer.

Pakenham CFA currently has 30 active volunteers but it is looking for 10 to 15 more to bolster daytime response.