Dramatic cow rescue

Miss Buttercup was fortunately ok after becoming stuck in a dam. Photos: CFA FACEBOOK

CFA volunteers undertook a dramatic rescue operation last week after a cow became stuck in a dam in Pakenham.

A CFA spokesperson said crews from Macclesfield and Pakenham Upper were notified to reports of a horse stuck in a ditch on Pakenham Road, Pakenham around 2pm on Tuesday 15 March.

Upon arrival, crews discovered the animal was in fact a cow, not a horse.

“The cow was extracted from the ditch using a combination of equipment, including a specially designed cow lifting harness, winch and tractor,“ the spokesperson said.

“The extraction was performed under veterinary supervision.“

In a Facebook post made by the CFA, it was said after the extraction “Miss Buttercup“ was given a 50 per cent chance of survival.

“Thankfully 48 hours after her dramatic rescue, the cow defied the odds and her relieved owner was able to confirm that she got up, a little wobbly at first, but was able to let her calf feed before wandering around for a bit!“ the Facebook post read.

“Well done and what an amazing job by everyone involved – we hope she makes a speedy recovery.“