Time to turn the clocks back

Smoke alarm batteries should be replaced once a year. 151799 Picture: CONTRIBUTED

It’s time to turn the clocks back, as daylight savings officially comes to an end on Sunday 3 April at 3am.

As clocks are turned back one hour, CFA is reminding people to add another task to the list and test all the smoke alarms in their home to ensure they are working.

CFA deputy chief officer Trevor Owen warned the community that non-working smoke alarms could be a liability in an emergency.

All smoke alarms have a 10-year life span and need to be replaced or they may not work when you need them most.

Mr Owen said smoke alarms save lives by providing a critical early warning that could give you time to evacuate safely – but only if they work.

“In a fire, only a working smoke alarm can save your life,” he said.

“We believe that some households have never replaced or even tested their smoke alarms and that is concerning.

“Smoke alarms are designed to wake you when a fire starts to provide you and your family with the earliest possible warning to get out safely.

“If your smoke alarms aren’t working properly, you may miss that vital early warning sign that could save the lives of you and your family.”

All alarms need to be replaced every 10 years, regardless of the type of smoke alarm.

“If you don’t have a working smoke alarm in your home and a fire occurs, you are four times more likely to die and 26 per cent more likely to suffer serious injuries,” Mr Owen said.

“A good reminder is to test all of your smoke alarms every year at the end of daylight savings.”