The coming months are an important time to check for new serrated tussock germinations, which occur after summer and autumn rains.
Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party (VSTWP) Community Engagement Officer, Ivan Carter said recent summer rains and predicted moisture in autumn was good for broadacre crops, but unfortunately, will also be good for the growth of serrated tussock.
“We’re urging landowners to use any spare time they might have to survey their properties for serrated tussock plants in late summer and autumn.
“Controlling serrated tussock before the plant goes to seed is critical to prevent further spread, lost productivity and increased costs of control,” Mr Carter said.
Serrated tussock can germinate at any time of the year after rain, but mostly in autumn and again in spring.
Plants and new seedlings can be removed manually using a pick or shovel or spot sprayed using a registered herbicide, depending on the size of the infestation. Newly germinated seedlings will appear bright green, be erect and will stand out from the other grasses in a pasture.
The VSTWP has developed an online video and information sheets to help landowners identify this noxious weed, which can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Mr Carter said before flowering in spring, serrated tussock has a lime green appearance. When flowering, the flower-heads have a distinctive purple colour developing as the seeds ripen in late spring and early summer.
“These features help serrated tussock stand out from the native tussock grasses. Serrated tussock has a fine leaf and will roll smoothly between the index finger and thumb, while native Poa tussocks feel as though they have flat edges.“
It is vital to check for new germinations and remove them before they set seed, as a mature serrated tussock plant can produce thousands of seeds in a season, blowing up to 20 kilometres from the parent plant.
Summer and autumn is also a good time to prepare for improving ground cover and competition for serrated tussock.
Having a healthy pasture and competitive ground cover is one of the most important aspects to weed management and serrated tussock is a prime example of a weed that does not like competition and well-established pastures.
For more information visit serratedtussock.com