Coffee with a cop

Jo Boulter chats to Sharon Patterson, Youth Resource Officer Cardinia. 261467_02

By Shelby Brooks

Police officers from Pakenham made time to catch up with the community at a ’Coffee with a Cop’ event Tuesday 14 December.

Community members were able to bring up any concerns they had with the officers at Coffee Grind, Pakenham Central Marketplace.

“Thank you to the members and the public for the catch up at the Coffee Grind Cafe at Pakenham Central Marketplace,“ a police spokesperson said.

“In a relaxed atmosphere the public were able to discuss topics of the day and get to know the local Police and local issues.

“Crime Prevention was high on the list especially with the holiday season upon us. Keep an eye in this space for the next one in the new year.

“All the police at Pakenham would like to wish members of the community a safe and joyful Christmas.“