The Victorian Government is encouraging households doing it tough with energy bills to apply for the one-off $250 Power Saving Bonus payment, as the 12-month program marks more than 320,000 payments totalling more than $80 million.
Bass MP Jordan Crugnale is encouraging all eligible households (who have not already applied for this rebate) to take advantage of the one-off $250 payment before the program ends on 31 January 2022.
“There are still many eligible households across the Cardinia and Bass Local Government Areas who have not yet applied for what could be crucial financial relief throughout the second year of Covid-19, including those receiving the Aged Pension,” Ms Crugnale said.
“This one off $250 payment helps reduce household bill pressure, so if you or anyone you know receives a pension, JobSeeker, Austudy, Abstudy or Youth Allowance, please check eligibility and apply – we are here to help with the application.”
Households can apply for the scheme by calling 1800 000 832 or visiting compare.energy.vic.gov.au.
To assist eligible households who may not have access to a computer or require assistance with their application, the government is providing support through the Power Saving Bonus Community Outreach Program.
Outreach Program partners include the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Consumer Policy Research Centre, Good Shepherd and Neighbourhood House, Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, Consumer Action Law Centre, and State Trustees Limited.
Pakenham Living and Learning Centre is another more local resource that can assist households with the application (contact 03 5941 2389).
If anyone is having trouble applying for the Power Saving Bonus online or needs support, you can also reach out directly to Jordan Crugnale’s office on 03 5672 4755.
Eligibility extends to households receiving payments through the Pension Concession, JobSeeker, Austudy, Abstudy or Youth Allowance programs, or who hold a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
With electricity bills a top cost of living issue and about 20 per cent of Victorian households requesting financial assistance with bills in 2020, the program aims to reduce cost of living pressure with a $250 payment
transferred electronically into bank accounts or provided via cheque on request, typically taking about two weeks to arrive.
The Power Saving Bonus, part of a $797 million household energy affordability package, is delivered through the government’s Victorian Energy Compare website, which sees more than one million visitors each year.
The website helps consumers find the best energy deal available, with data showing seven out of every 10 users save money by switching energy offers and a typical annual saving of $330.