By Alana Mitchelson
A child ‘safety speed’ dating forum will bring experts together to help vulnerable families in the growing shire.
Attendees will gather around tables in groups of six to eight, meet, network and learn about other services.
The Pakenham forum will focus on assisting vulnerable families at risk of drug and alcohol abuse, family violence and mental health with children aged 12 and younger.
Anglicare Victoria’s Cindy-Lee Harper said the annual event represented an average of 50 organisations, with about 90 people attending last year’s forum.
“It’s a speed dating night but not the romantic kind,” Ms Harper said.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for different agencies, businesses, community groups and individuals to network and we’ve had fantastic collaborations form as a result of past events.
“Families are moving into Cardinia shire at the rate of five families a day. But there is no obvious increase in services and resources, and demand for services is rising.
“We have a guest speaker at the beginning to give people the chance for an informed discussion about the case study – namely child safety – about how their own services could contribute and whether they’re ready or may need more information.”
Sectors including the health, disability, drug and alcohol, mental health, housing and education fields and people from all backgrounds were welcome to register.
Commission for Children and Young People senior policy advisor Sandra Wakeham and child safe standards policy officer Carina Donaldson will deliver presentations on the impact of the new Victorian child safety standards.
A morning tea will be provided.
To register, email
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