A TRIP to the Cardinia Cultural Centre may reveal the perfect solution for those who are on the hunt for a unique Christmas gift.
From now until 4 January, members of the South East Contemporary Art Network (SECAN) are displaying their work in centre’s foyer.
All work featured is available for purchase directly from the artists and art exhibited represents a range of styles and pieces including jewellery, oil painting and textiles.
Network president Di Lockwood said the work of 24 artists was on display, with some exhibiting two or three pieces.
“It’s really about promoting local artists and encouraging people to support their work in the lead-up to Christmas,” she said.
“The space was offered to us by the cultural centre and we’re very pleased be able to have access to a space like this.”
Cardinia Cultural Centre venue manager Mark Fawcett said last month that the centre had introduced a focus on regularly rotating the art featured in the foyer.
In November, it displayed the work of local artist Annette Slattery who is again featured in this exhibition.
“We’re changing our artwork very regularly these days, and Annette’s work has been very popular,” he said.
SECAN is a relatively new group of artists who come from suburbs ranging from Dandenong to Drouin and take a particular interest in contemporary art.
Details on how to purchase the work may be obtained at the cultural centre.