AT-RISK youths across the south-east have a new place to turn for help.
Young people aged 10-25 in Cardinia Shire and the cities of Casey and Greater Dandenong experiencing a crisis can now seek immediate support online through an integrated aid, Positive Pathways.
The 24/7 emergency help service is accompanied by a range of less critical programs which help connect vulnerable or at-risk young people with counselling, drug and alcohol, family violence and financial assistance support.
The website also offers help to refugee and asylum seekers struggling in the area.
Services to support young people dealing with the issues relating to sexual assault, homelessness and disability are also offered.
Connections UnitingCare, along with Monash Health and the councils, launched the website designed to also assist families and schools to find the right support networks in the community.
Connections UnitingCare’s school focused youth service co-ordinator Simone Cunningham said the program began in 2014.
“The website was developed after consultations with schools who identified that it is often difficult to find a service for young people and their families, make a referral and get the family connected to the appropriate service,” Ms Cunningham said.
“The aim of the Positive Pathways website is to improve the support and responses provided to young people by having a ‘one stop shop’ to find support services in their local area.”
In a recent community forum, the lack of support services offered in Cardinia Shire was flagged as a major concern. To seek help online, visit youthpositivepathways.com.au