It’s our money, Mick

IT doesn’t matter how Cr Mick Morland dresses up the culture centre – Bunjil. The City of Casey is spending ratepayers’ money – not his money or fellow councillors’ money (a survey of 300 people within the City of Casey hardly constitutes a significant survey of the number of ratepayers in the City of Casey – News, 2 July). Yes, it will look fantastic, but the money would be better spent in the City of Casey supporting worthwhile projects. Bunjil is an egotistical satisfaction of people who are full of their own self-importance. As a side issue, maybe Cr Mick Morland would like to explain why the average wage for the City of Casey employees for 2015/16 is $91,978.62, for 1019 employees (source, draft budget for 2015/16)?
Arvo Talvik,