Honing skills for a career

Shell, Josh, Bryce and Alex taking a class with automotive trainer Alex Jervic. 137646_05 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


STUDENTS from across Casey can get hands-on experience and insightful industry knowledge on a wide range of jobs at the 2015 South East Careers Expo and Try a Trade on Tuesday 21 April.
An initiative by the South East Local Learning and Employment Network together with the City of Casey present an eye-opening event, attracting more than 2000 students each year.
Expo founding member LINK Employment and Training general manager Terry Breheny said the big day was a critical one.
“The exposure over one day is really valuable for us to explain to the students all the trade options out there and to help them end up in wonderful careers, many students are unaware of the opportunities available in trades,” Mr Breheny said.
“My view is that there is a big void in school students understanding of the VET (vocational education and training) sector and on the day we try to get students to look at a broader range of options rather than just university courses,” Mr Breheny said.
The day will enlighten students on trades such as carpentry, plumbing, tiling, bricklaying, painting and engineering, as well as hair and beauty.
“At our stand, we will present careers in automotive, carpentry, business and hairdressing and will have information and equipment available for students to try the trade and chat with our qualified trainers who currently train in those four industries,” Mr Breheny said.
The Australian Defence Force, Victoria Police, Chisholm Institute, VFA Learning and the Australian Brick and Blocklaying Federation will also be present on the day.
“We’ll have mannequins set up to get a taste of hairdressing and a laptop for the students to have a look at Excel for business, a Holden engine will be there and students can have a go at replacing spark plugs and checking oil,” Mr Breheny said.
“Students will also have the chance to make a wooden pencil case as a part of the carpentry section,” he said.
LINK Employment and Training will visit schools in term three to discuss career options as the students decide on subjects for Years 11 and 12.
The expo will start at 9am and finish at 3pm at the Cranbourne Racecourse.