Show’s core status quo

Paul Gallon has been involved with the show for 51 years, here with his "Dahlia" flowers at the 2014 show. 116791_04

PAVILION chief Wendy Andrews notes that this year marks the 104th year of the Parklea Pakenham and District Agricultural and Horticultural Show in Pakenham.
“Our core purpose remains the same as it did over 100 years ago: To offer the local community the opportunity to showcase their produce and homewares and compete against other like minded people,“
This year, the Pakenham hall will house the cooking, home products, horticulture, garden produce, craft, needlework, art, weavers and spinners, Country Women’s Association, photography, children’s work, primary and kinder art plus craft demonstrations.
New competitions this year include the scarecrow competition, crudite – tastiest vegetable/fruit platter, terrarium, planted boot or shoe, collage, gift wrapped parcel, origami, poppy sculpture (open to any medium), decorated bras and aged care facilities section.
To commemorate 100 years of Anzac, our school art theme reflects this milestone. Pakenham RSL has sponsored commemorative trophies for this section.
Also the poppy sculpture has a very broad interpretation. Entries can be in any medium and any dimension as long as they are based on a poppy theme.
Money raised from the decorated bra section will be donated to St John of God oncology unit. Bras can be decorated on a hanger or you can decorate a wacky packy bra. The hall opens at 9am Saturday 21 March and closes at 4pm. Schedules can be picked up from Pakenham Produce, Roylaines (formerly Photo Barn, Pakenham), Lazy Frog, Sewing Connection, Pakenham Gazette or downloaded from