Tremor felt far and wide


AN EARTHQUAKE in Korumburra shook residents and pets living upto 75 kilometres away yesterday morning.
The 3.4 magnitude tremor was experienced about 3.30am on Wednesday morning and was felt by residents living as far away as Berwick.
“It woke me up in Berwick. Bed moving and windows shaking at about 3.35am,” said Brooke on the Gazette’s Facebook page.
Jan from Pakenham said her dressing table mirror was sent rattling while another resident said the earthquake set off several dogs in his street who continued to howl well after the disturbance.
Yet some residents including Krystal who lives as close as 10 kilometres away from Korumburra said she slept through it all.
“I felt nothing in Pakenham,” Christine added.
Geoscience Australia reported the quake occurred 9 kilometres beneath the surface.
Seismologist Emma Mathews said it was a shallow earthquake but was felt as far away as Dandenong, Monbulk and Coldstream.
“It was a fairly minor earthquake though it was widely felt. There are no current reports of structural damage … most people experienced objects being shaken and a low rumbling followed by a rattling,” she said.
Ms Matthews said residents in the Korumburra felt the quake for upto 10 seconds.
Residents in the south-east region were told to expect smaller aftershocks by the SES who also advised them to check for cracks in their walls, roofs and chimneys.